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* Residents of United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand & Other Commonwealth can get applicable tax deductions if they pay in CAD.

General Donations

You may donate to many different Projects, including the opening of a new masjid in Los Angeles or the masjid in Vancouver.
You can add a note about dedication or prayer dua requests you have.


Please add a note on which Sadaqah, Sadqah (صدقة‎) , or Sadaqqt (صدقات) the payment is for and dua requests.

Sadaqah Nafilah: Sadaqa Lillah (لله), Sadaqa Waqf (وَقْف‎;),  Sadaqah Jaariyah ( الجارية)

Sadaqah Wajibah: Fard Sadaqa, Fitrana, Sadaqat al-Fitr, Sadaqatul Fitr, Nadhr (النذر) (religous vow), Fidya, Fidyah (الفدية‎), Kaffarah (كفارة‎),

* Note not for Aqeeqah or Qurbani Sadaqa *: Sadaqa Aqeeqah (عقيقة‎) (Nafilah Sadaqa to honor new-born child), and Wajib Qurbani Sadaqah (قربانى‎) such as Udhiyyah (أضحية) (for Eidul Adha) should be processed under the section for Qurban / Zabiha (click here).


zakat sadaqa donation charity united states islam allah god khums zekat

Zakat Calculators

Please add a note on which type of Zakat payment is being made.
Zakat, Zakah, Zekat (زكاة) = “that which purifies”
Zakat al-mal (زكاة المال) =
“zakat on wealth”
Zakat is an annual payment of 2.5% (or 1/40) of wealth above a minimum amount known as nisab (see zakat calculator for current value). The collected funds will be paid to specific recipients of the Muslim community in accordance to zakat principles.

Zakat al-Fitr is a duty which is wajib (required) of every Muslim, whether male or female, minor or adult as long as they have the means to do so. The calculated amount in dollars is $10 – $15 per family member (including offspring in the womb).  Ideally it should be payed several days before end of Ramadan.

Help Those in Need

Fatima Zahra Helping Hand is a program to assist those in need.  Donated funds are used every month for volunteers to prepare and distribute meals to over 150 people.

In addition, clothing and other basic necessities are collected or purchased and distributed to the less fortunate for special events, such as the Ramadan Orphan donations program in Pakistan.

Please add note for dedication or any dua requests you have.


Donations go towards Mawlid Events such as the Annual Grand Milad’ul Nabi ﷺ or Mawlid al-Nabi al-Sharif (مَولِد النَّبِي‎).  These are special programs to commemorate the life and times of our Holy Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.

Please add note for dedication or any dua requests you have.

Qurban / Zabiha

Payment for any program requiring Qurabani or Qurban قربانى‎ offerings including Udhiyyah أضحية for Eidul Al Adha عيد الأضحى‎ sacrifice.

Payments are priced in multiples of 1/2 zabiha or zabihah.

* Note *: For Sadaqa Aqeeqah (عقيقة‎) please email info (at) beforehand to determine the feasibility of your request. 

Please add note for dedication or any dua requests you have.

Khums / Hadiya

Khums, al Khumus, Qhums, Khams (خُمْس) = “one-fifth”
Hadiya (هدية) = “gift”

Please add specific note whether payment is for khums or hadiya. Please also add any dua requests you have.

Merchandise Purchases Only

Not For Donations.

For Merchandise purchases made at SMC events.


CRA no. 856872817 RR0001
* Also for donations from United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand & Other Commonwealth to get tax deductions

United States

EIN no. 84-2681459
* Also for International donations but will not get non-US tax receipt.


* FZHH Pakistan Only 
Account title: Ailya Mukhtar
Bank name: Habib Bank Ltd
Account Number: 12837901501403
Branch name: wapda town lahore
Brach code: 1283
IBAN: PK69HABB0012837901501403

And spend [in the way of Allah ] from what We have provided you before death approaches one of you and he says, "My Lord, if only You would delay me for a brief term so I would give charity and be among the righteous.

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ : "If I had gold equal to the mountain of Uhud, it would not please me that anything of it should remain with me after three nights (i.e., I would spend all of it in Allah's Cause) except what I would keep for repaying debts."

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ : “Give charity without delay, for it stands in the way of calamity.”


Nur Muhammad / Muhammadan Way / Sufi Meditation Center (SMC) / Fatima Zahra Helping Hand (FZHH) are Registered Non-Profit Charity Organizations (under Tax ID#: 856872817 RR 0001).  Your Contributions are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.  For tax purposes, beginning of every year we will send tax-deduction documentation to donors who reside in Canada for donations they made the previous year.  Thank you for your support!

Residents of the British Commonwealth such as the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, …etc. who paid in CAD can claim Tax Deductions to the extent of their nations law.


Mystic Meditation, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Charity Organizations (under Tax ID#: 84-2681459).  Your Contributions are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.  For tax purposes, beginning of every year we will send tax-deduction documentation to donors who reside in US for donations they made the previous year.  Thank you for your support!

Office Hours

Coming Soon (TBD)

Charity name:

Mystic Meditation (United States)
501(c)(3) Non-Profit Charity Tax ID#: 84-2681459

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