Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi
3660 E. Hastings St. Vancouver BC V5K 2A9 ▣ 604.558.4455 ▣
A dedicated, compassionate, and resourceful professional with over 20 years experience in religious leadership, spiritual counseling, and community building. Possess exceptional abilities in facilitating community outreach initiatives, interfaith programs, and establishing positive relationships in diverse settings. An effective communicator with a vision to promote awareness, understanding, and respect in a multi-faith environment.
- Spearheaded the creation of a weekly half-hour Islamic television series that focuses on spreading the message that Islam is a religion based on peace, love, tolerance and acceptance
- Collaborate with religious speakers, community leaders and government officials to share their thoughts within a framework of unity
- Established relationships with Honourable Melanie Joly, Minister of Canadian Heritage, Deputy Commissioner Brenda Butterworth-Carr, Commanding Officer of E Division, RCMP, and other notable community leaders to create messages of support
- Coordinate a team of volunteers to complete duties related to pre- and post-production tasks
SIMPLY IMAN CLOUD UNIVERSITY, Vancouver, BC (2015-Present)
President / Spiritual Scholar
- Established an international online platform allowing people from around the world to pursue studies in various aspects of faith and spirituality from a classical Islamic perspective
- Facilitate religious and spiritual courses allowing students to learn at their own pace
- Educate and provide opportunity to engage in an open dialogue
HUB-E-RASUL CONFERENCE, Surrey, BC (2014-Present)
- Organize and conduct monthly programs at the Fiji Islamic Centre in Surrey
- Lead weekly Friday prayer for the Fiji Muslim congregation
- Provide education on traditional Islamic principles and values through lectures
- Unite Muslim communities and lead the celebration of Islamic holy events
ANNUAL GRAND MAWLID AL-NABI, Surrey, BC (2014-Present)
- Created one of Canada’s largest gatherings celebrating Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and unifying the Muslim community to promote peace, tolerance, and love across all faiths
- Collaborate with notable community members, law enforcement representatives, government officials and religious leaders to attend and participate in the event
- Increased number of attendees with 2,000 people attending in 2016
AHLE SUNNAH WAL JAMA OF BC, Vancouver, BC (2011-Present)
- Established an organization of resources for authentic content, books, and articles from the Qur’an & Sunnah from around the world
- Collaborate with well-known international organizations, Al Azhar University of Cairo, Dar al Ifta of Egypt and Islamic Supreme Council of North America
Founder / President
- Established a gathering place for the local Muslim community and general public to participate in weekly religious and spiritual practices
- Continue to develop network of multi-faith and secular representatives to encourage spiritual inquiry
- Offer personal services including spiritual, grief and relationship counselling
- Provide religious leadership by leading weekly circles of remembrance (dhikr)
- Educate people about the moderate voice of Islam with a specialization in spiritual sciences
RUMI ROSE GARDEN, Vancouver, BC (2011-Present)
Founder / President
- Established a café, bookstore, and traditional Middle Eastern market
- Developed unique product line of custom blended wellness teas
- Created and maintain Rumi Rose Garden’s Online Store –
- Manage volunteer staff and oversee daily operations
FATIMA ZAHRA HELPING HAND (FZHH), Branches in Canada and South Africa (2010-Present)
Founder / Chairman
- Spearheaded the creation of a charity organization to provide food and clothing to the less fortunate
- Partnered with the First United Church to serve the needs of people on the downtown Eastside
- Partnered with the BC Muslim Food Bank to provide on-going support to Syrian refugee families
- Work with the Burnaby Homeless Shelter to collect non-perishable food items and clothing
SUFI MEDITATION CENTER (SMC), Vancouver, BC (2007-Present)
Founder / Authorized Spiritual Guide
- Support local communities through outreach programs that educate the Western audience on Islam
- Organized and facilitated educational workshops with Jewish and Christian faith representatives
- Collaborated with local organizations to conduct stage demonstrations related to spirituality and well-being
- Participated in the Wellness Show for consecutive years and led whirling and meditation demonstrations
- Led stage performances in the Partnership Walk, The Peace Circle, Commercial Drive Festival, and Whirl for Peace
- Successfully held numerous weekly spiritual-building workshops throughout the Lower Mainland
NURMUHAMMAD.COM, Vancouver, BC (1996 to Present)
- Designed, launched, and manage website that serves as a comprehensive library of articles and resources related to Classical Islam and Spiritual Knowledge
- Create web content including writing, designing, and formatting articles
- Develop educational resource materials and make available for free download
- Manage metrics to ensure website continues as a top-ranked resource on Islamic spirituality
- Since 2000, the website has more than 1,500 unique visitors daily
- Over 1.1 million followers
- Over 600 videos and 2.5 million views
OTHER: Twitter, Instagram, Google+, Vimeo, SoundCloud, MixlrY

MUHAMMADAN WAY APP – Over 20,000 Users Worldwide
- Designed, launched and manage the app providing mobile access to books, supplications, prayer times, month-specific practices, events calendar, and media library of audio and video files
Chaplain, Kwantlen Polytechnic University (KPU)
- Provider of spiritual services to KPU students and staff
International President
- Naqshbandi Nazimiya Sufi Order of America
Founding Trustee
- American Muslim Association for Relief
- Islamic Supreme Council of America
Founding Member
- The Muslim Magazine
- As-Sunnah Foundation of America
- Interfaith Event, Christ Cathedral Church, Vancouver (500+ attendees) – Delivered speech about peace and Sufism; led the Divine Chanting (Dhikr), and whirling to audience. Program included members of the Buddhist, Christian, Jewish, Hindu, and Muslim faiths along with representatives from Vancouver’s African and First Nations communities sharing short prayers, whirling, and uplifting songs performed by local and international groups (September 2011)
- Partnership Walk, Stanley Park, Vancouver (20,000 attendees) – Represented SMC and led Sufi Whirling stage performance (June 2010)
- Annual Wellness Show and Body, Mind, and Soul Expo, Vancouver – Brought awareness to Sufism and how to open the heart, provide therapy to the body, mind, and soul through Sufi Meditation, whirling, and Divine Chanting (2009 – 2013)
- Interfaith Event, St. David’s Church, West Vancouver – Explained Sufism, meditation, and whirling (March 2009)
- Peace Circle, Jericho Beach Park, Vancouver (1,000 attendees) – As a key speaker, shared teachings of how one can find peace by performing Sufi Meditation, where one would dance around in a circle, while focusing their attention on their hand. Guided all attendees to perform the whirl for peace dance to ethnic music (February 2009)
- Healing Garden, Vancouver – Represented SMC and guided a Sufi whirling demonstration (May 2008)
- International Sufi Conference, Morocco – Attended as a representative of ISCA, by invitation of his Excellency King of Morocco (Muhammad IX) (July 2009)
- South America Tour, cities of Bolson and Mendoza, Buenos Aires, Argentina, and Santiago, Chile –Taught Sufi Meditation (Muraqabah) to spiritual seekers (January 2007)
- South East Asia Tour, Singapore, Batam, and Indonesia – Participated in visiting thousands of Sufi Students and local leaders, including Ahmad Danni of the rock group “Dewa 19”, and Hadad Alawi, Famous Reciter of Nasheeds (Praising of the Prophetic Realities) (April 2006)
- USA Tour, Texas, Washington D.C., Connecticut, New Jersey, Florida, Colorado, and California – Conducted seminars on Sufi meditation, science of letters and numbers, angelic healing, and advancement of spiritual growth (2005)
- USA Tour, Texas, Washington D.C., Connecticut, New Jersey, Florida, and Colorado – Delivered workshops teaching Islamic meditation and ancient sacred knowledge (August 2004)
- 5th Annual Leadership Forum, Bangkok, Thailand – Event participant (March 2004)
- International Conference of Islamic Scholars, Jakarta, Indonesia – Attended event as member of ISCA Delegation (February 2004)
- USA Tour, Texas, Washington D.C., Connecticut, New Jersey, and California – Delivered seminars on Islamic meditation, realities of the heart, angelic energies, and prophetic healing (Fall 2003)
- Southeast Asia Tour, Malaysia, Singapore, and Indonesia – Participated as member of ISCA Delegation (Spring 2003)
- American Society for Industrial Security Conference – Member of ISCA Delegation to discuss traditional Islam in the US (February 2002)
- Indonesia Tour – Member of ISCA Delegation (February 2002)
- Southeast Asia Tour, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, and Japan – Member of ISCA delegation (April 2001)
- Republic of Uzbekistan Tour – Official guest of the President (April 2001)
- Indonesia Tour – Attended meetings with the President of Indonesia and other Ministers (September 2000)
- UNESCO Conference, Uzbekistan – Participated in inter-religious dialogue as member of the ISCA Delegation (August 2000)
- Accompanied Shaykh Hisham Kabbani in meeting with the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi to attend the opening of his first healing clinic in Amsterdam (October 1998)
- Divinely Praising Upon the Pearl of Creation – Collection of Arabic Salawats & Urdu Nasheeds Amazon Link
- In Pursuit of Angelic Power Amazon Link
- Levels of the Heart – Lataif al Qalb Amazon Link
- Secret Realities of Hajj Amazon Link
- The Healing Power of Sufi Meditation Amazon Link
- Over 100 written articles on various subjects
- Received written authorizations to be a Spiritual Guide from two of the World Leaders of the Naqshbandi Islamic Sufi Order, Shaykh Muhammad Nazim al-Haqqani and Shaykh Hisham Kabbani
❋ The Signed Certificate ❋
❋ Full Certificate For Spiritual Guidance Worldwide Ijaza ❋
❋ A Message From Qutb al Mutasariff ❋
MASJID AT-TAWHID, HAQQANI INSTITUTE, Classical Islam and Sufi Studies, Lefke, Cyprus (1995)
AS-SIDDIQ INSTITUTE, Islamic Studies, Burton, Michigan, USA (1994)
UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, Business Management, Los Angeles, California, USA (1990)
- MS Office Suite, Mac and PC Platforms, Social Media Tools, Web Management Software